USS Pillsbury DER-133
Typical Ship Board Routine
USS Pillsbury Collections Index
0600 Reveille, heave out and trice up
0615 Mess gear/ watch routine
0630 Breakfast for the crew
0745 Liberty expires, relieve the watch, muster, inspection
0800 Turn to
1000 XO inspection
1115 Mess gear
1130 Dinner for the crew, knock off
1145 Relieve the watch
1300 Turn to
1545 Relieve the watch
1600 Knock off, Liberty call
1700 Inport fire party drill
1745 Mess gear
1800 Supper for the crew
1900 Security watch, eight o'clock reports
2000 Movie call
2100 Sweepers
2200 Taps
Underway Daily Routine
0600 Reveille
0615 Morning watch routine/ mess gear
0630 Breakfast for the crew
0700 Up all late bunks
0745 Muster on station/relieve the watch
0800 Turn to: commence ship's work
1000 Executive Officer's inspection
1145 Relieve the watch/mess gear
1200 Dinner for the crew
1300 Turn to: continue ship's work
1545 Relieve the watch
1600 Knock off ship's work
1745 Mess gear
1800 Supper for the crew
1930 Eight o'clock reports
1945 Relieve the watch
2000 Movie call
2100 Sweepers
2155 Tattoo
2200 Taps
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